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*. Rule and Life of Third Order Regular
Awakening the Domestic Church, by Father R. Cantalamessa
*. Full acceptance address - Franciscan University, Steubenville, by Father R. Cantalamessa
*. Challenges of Faith in Our Time, by Father R. Cantalamessa
*. Shalom Night Vigil -(malayalam) - Preaching By Fr Joseph Puthenpurakal
*. Viswasa Velichathil - (malayalam) -By Fr Joseph Puthenpurakal
*. Chintha mandalathe parishudhamai sooshikkuka -(malayalam)- by Dr. John D
*. Convention - (malayalam)- Bobby Jose Capuchin & Philippose Mar Chrysostom Marthoma Valiya Metropolita
*. How we will Handling Our Problems,-(malayalam)-by Dr. John D
Aaradhana geevidham (malayalam) by Dr. John D
*. Fr. Jose Maniyangat's Testimony - Syro Malabar Convention in Atlanta (2012)- (Malayalam)
In a change to church law, Latin-rite Catholic deacons may not preside at a wedding when one or both of the new spouses are members of an Eastern Catholic church.
Filmes e Documentary filmes:
Karol The man who became pope
John Paul II A Pope Who Made History
Franciscan Video
St. Francis of Assis
Reluctant Saint - Francis of Assisi (Donald spot)
Francesco d'Assisi - Curtiz (1961)
St Joseph of Cupertino The Reluctant Saint
Saint Anthony of Padua (1931)
Santa Clara de Assis
Padre Pio (Saint Pio)
Brother Sun Sister Moon
San Francesco di Liliana Cavan

Franciscan Corner
* Porziuncola: The Holy Door opened from 8 centuaries ago: 1216-2016
* Ottavo centenario del Perdono di Assisi
* Il perdono di Assisi: Tesoro della Porziuncola
* Saint Francis and the mystery of Mercy
* MISERICORDIA, un itinerario di spiritualità attraverso l'arte: Don Gianluca Busi
* Cortona e la Spiritualità Francescana
* La spiritualità francescana del Crocifisso e delle Madonna, Don Gianluca Busi
* Seguire Gesù con San Francesco (Esercizi Spirituali guidati da Padre Bruno Forte Arcivescovo di Chieti-Vasto)
* San Francesco d'Assisi la piccola ed umile storia di un grande cristiano
ഓഗസ്റ്റ് 2: അസ്സിസി പൂർണ ദണ്ട വിമോചനം
San Damiano Cross -സാൻ ഡാമിയാനോ കുരിശ്.
Franciscan sources

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